We Believe

Our Manifesto

Small and mid-size businesses are flying blind. Gut decisions, shortsightedness, listening to the wrong people – it all plagues business leaders when they don’t have the information they need to make a decision.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. All of the information you need can be found in your analytics. Those numbers are there to help make decisions and drive action across your company, and they should be present and easily digestible at any time.

Why this? Why now?

Our team at Eighty6 has been helping businesses since 2011 get online, market themselves, and track their progress. From the beginning, we’ve been creating beautiful reports, rich with insights from all areas of our clients’ marketing efforts. Website analytics, Yelp reviews, Facebook ad conversions, Google My Business insights, and more were all displayed. But, something was missing: Those numbers were living in a silo.

For a business to succeed, analytics from all areas of the company have to be considered in tandem. Are the leads we generated through our marketing efforts being properly handled by the sales reps? Are customers getting the support they need after a sale? Can we even see an accurate representation of what, exactly, is going on?

We founded Pulse to help businesses view their marketing analytics alongside other critical business information, and to help them see the full picture. Sales, operations, accounting, customer support, and other areas of the business, when viewed alongside your marketing efforts, give you the insight you need into what’s working and what’s not. This information lives all together on our dashboards in glanceable daily insights. Owners and top managers can see big picture information with secure access, while their teams can view information at a single glance, all day long, to keep goals in view. This is critical to your business thriving into the future.

We Won’t Let You Play From Behind

When Billy Beane, the General Manager of the Oakland A’s, put the team roster together for the 2002 season, he did it based on stats. He didn’t look at the players’ personalities, heights, weights, or how their swings looked. He didn’t listen to the gut instincts of his scouts. He favored a player’s on-field production through statistics. If a player had a high on-base percentage, Beane argued, the team would score more runs. And the more runs you score, the more you win. In 2002, the A’s won 103 games (out of 162) and at one point won an American League record 20 games in a row!

There are advantages in numbers and statistics. Our team recognizes those advantages and works with you to create a road map so you can start collecting the right data and put it to use. Utilize this information correctly, and you’ll never have to worry about playing from behind.

2 Steps. Establish. Visualize.

You’re told data is everywhere. Your marketing team shows you reports with endless information about your website. The sales team sends you their spreadsheets of leads in the pipeline. When you license software, the sales rep tells you how much great data you’ll get from using the program. It’s a seemingly infinite flow of information, and it is rarely put to good use.

It cripples you to then think of all that information collected when you haven’t figured out how to make it work for you. You have reports coming from all directions, but none talking to each other. Some come in daily, others weekly and monthly. We turn that treasure trove of data into digestible insights that are beautifully displayed on your device of choice. It’s there for you 24/7, up to the minute, for when YOU need that information.

With Pulse, we make sure you’re collecting the right data – data you can use.

We believe you need to:

  1. Collect with purpose. We don’t want to hear that Joe in accounting has been “doing it this way” for 20 years. It’s time to make a process change.
  2. Stop siloing your information. Business analytics should live together, from all departments.
  3. View your data every day. Spot trends and get ahead of future issues.
  4. Get it on the big screen. Utilize HDTVs to keep company analytics top of mind and in view.
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