The answer is yes!

You’ve got questions, and we’ve got yesses. As an alternative to the ever-popular FAQ, here’s our take on things: the YesAQ, if you will. It was inspired by the innovative folks at Basecamp – a self-professed group of designers, programmers, tinkerers, writers, developers, and analysts, just like us! – who were inspired by a sign they once spotted at a roadside rest stop. (If you have a moment, take a peek at the story. It’s actually quite interesting and definitely worth the quick read.)

Can you help me make sense of the data my software is generating? Yes.

Can all of my analytics reports live and display in one location? Yes.

Can I view my dashboard on my phone? Yes.

What about viewing it on a giant display? Yes.

Can you help if my data is not in great shape? Yes.

Can you help if I use many business applications? Yes.

Can you work with my vendors to gather data? Yes.

Can I have multiple dashboards for different teams? Yes.

Can we work together remotely? Yes.

Is this for a business owner? CEO? VP? Manager? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

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